Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Busy Maybe

"Sucess usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it."

There's a new widget for google today. (maybe new only for me) It's "Google lattitude". I find Google's lattitude to be cool when you need to show to friends ( and all your enemies) where you are. They can find where you are living, or where you are at that moment. It's up to you to check Google lattitude's settings. You can post it on your blog, your social sites, chatrooms etc. Now all your friends and those you are running away from. Loan sharks, estafa victims and the like will now have the chance to haunt you. Just kidding. Of course you can adjust your settings to suit your taste. Maybe to misdirect them to Timbuktu is a great Idea...

One problem I find is it's embed code function. If you are not well acquainted with css or html codes, you will surely have a hard time. But practice makes perfect. Go get them tiger...
Nevertheless I find google lattitude ( from google maps) a great addition to any blog, chat, site or anything under your monitor screen. Once youv'e gotten used to it, you'll surely gonna love it.

Customers are measly these days. Income generated from them is too small to cover even the most simple expense needed to run my business. Most of my income is used to pay my loan shark debt. So I've been busy surfing the net, playing games and well uhh, sleeping I guess.. Not too deep because I might get robbed without knowing it. I've been busy dismantling my pc and my blog page and oh my, css codes are tough for me. Simply changing my background on friendster and this blog makes my head hurt. I could not get the resolution right. I may be an undergraduate, but I learn easily. Maybe if I had gone to school or if I would have the time with no financial problems to think of, I would create a widget of sort to make it easy to do those things. Simply changing css codes would not be so easy for some average person. Now I found this google lattitude thing and I'm having a hard time. Alas I've made it! (tsamba) There is really nothing you cannot achieve when you practice and give it all. I hope I can also apply this to my poetic third world life.

"Practice makes perfect. But no body's perfect. So why bother practice?"

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