Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A humble Seed: Communist by Heart

VOP chapel....
Used to play ( and pray ) here.....
Thanks to Jethro Yasis for his nice shots...

"People without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture are like trees without roots."

So much memories...


I need not elaborate about my past life in my high school days at the SOM. I feel that I am not even worthy of talking about it. All I can say is that it was a very big part of my life and without it, I may be nothing today. (bakit? something kanaba?) The prestigious school has imprinted an indelible mark on my personality, my beliefs, my whole being. If I hadn't studied there, I would have been a poorer, incapable and incompetent man. Yes I'm still down today, but it would have been worse.

One thing the congregation thought us unknowingly of course is the communist way of life. Once you enter that school. You shed all your belongings down to the underwear and change it to the standard. We virtually have the same kind of clothes, school supplies, toiletries, leisure equipment and mode of education. We even have exactly the same food in almost the same amount each day everyday for the whole year. We receive the same care and attention, medical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual from the modest student to the average to the lowest. A grade A student is treated and educated just as the same as the Grade P's. And FYI, we have no books. We are being spoon fed by our mentors in a way maybe to save the cost of buying several books but for me most specially to learn and develop just as everyone else. Study like everyone else, train like everyone else. The only thing different is how a student accepts and makes use of that equality.

When something goes bad, when there are offenders of the rules, we receive almost the same kind of reprimand, punishment and civil service as everyone else. Fluctuating only in a sense on who's your superior. Whether you are popular or not, you receive the same kind of attention. positive or negative. There may be a little bit of favoritism, and a little of those scum individuals I am not proud of, But our life from the time we wake up till the time we sleep is exactly the same. Yes, we wake up at the same time, brush our teeth, take a bath, study, eat, work, play, pray and sleep at the same time. Accurate to the second.

We plant crops there, sometimes we make some commercial activities and all our harvest will be shared to the very last citizen regardless of the size of his stomach. May sound weird, some say boring. But for me it's like a mini paradise.

I may have said so much, but my point is I have lived there for so long that I had gotten used to it and now I am in the real world, I find it hard to adjust to the impartiality and unfairness of this world. That is the reason I am very ANGRRRRYYY at wealthy individuals.... Yeah its not their fault. But I am just angry. Sue me.

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